Marty Eggers
Oakland, California
Updated 12/2/03

Marty Eggers appeared at the Festival for years as the bassist with the Bo Grumpus Trio. He has also appeared with the Tichenor Family Trio (Trebor Tichenor, Virginia Tichenor, and Marty).  He also performs as a solo pianist. Marty is well known on the West Coast as a top-notch ragtime pianist and bassist. Marty's music career began in Sacramento where as a teenager he helped found the Sacramento Ragtime Society in 1982. He has played with numerous San Francisco Bay Area jazz and ragtime groups, most notably John Gill's San Francisco JazzBand and the Black Diamond Jazz Band. His talent and versatility have led him into several varied and prestigious engagements, from recording with traditional jazz legend Bob Helm to touring Germany with Hal Smith's Rhythm Cats to playing in backup bands for both Leon Redbone and Butch Thompson. Marty is also a skilled composer and arranger of ragtime and traditional jazz. Terry Waldo describes Marty as having " encyclopedic knowledge of the ragtime and early jazz repertoire ..." Marty is married to ragtime pianist Virginia Tichenor and is a past  president of the West Coast Ragtime Society.